Sunset Seeking: Psychedelic Color and Light in the Landscape
Institute of Contemporary Art @ MECA&D
Portland, Maine
May 12 - May 20, 2023
Sunset Seeking is a series of painted and ceramic works that locate the natural world as a realm of possibility: as a source of transformative encounters that generate feeling and awe, positioning the magical within the observable. Like the light that creates the many colors seen during a sunset, a simultaneous experience of oscillating color as light and light as color is psychedelic. A psychedelic use of prismatic light and spectral, ‘rainbow’ coloring in combination with landscape subjects becomes a visual strategy to give form to feelings of awe to reinforce a feeling that life is good and worth living.
Installation Documentation at the Institute of Contemporary Art @ MECA&D by Art Archival / Joel Tsui
© 2018 - 2025 Grace Hager